Happy hump day everyone – I hope everyone is having an amazing week so far!
The past 7 days in our household have been a doozy. Ava got sick mid-week last week and was sent home from daycare Wednesday afternoon with a temp. We had her home from daycare with us on Thursday and Friday and it wasn’t until Sunday that she finally got over the fever.
On top of all of that, she is teething so badly, so she (along with Mom and Dad) is having a time of it. With being sick the past couple of days, she wasn’t eating much because at first she couldn’t keep it down and now she doesn’t want to chew anything because of her new teeth coming through. With a hungry, tired toddler, it has been a time. Luckily we finally seem to be on the up and Ava is acting more and more like herself again!
With all of that, it is so much to take care of a crazy toddler, let alone a sick toddler, so my energy was honestly pretty low at the end of last week. I still wanted to get movement in so I prioritized walking and hit my 10k each day! I feel it’s so easy to forget how beneficial walking is for your health. I think, especially for moms who have a lot of unpredictability day in and day out, feel like we failed if all we did was walk. Just because we miss a “workout” with dumbbells or high-intensity cardio, where we are dripping sweat, it doesn’t mean we failed. #1, because one missed workout is not going to ruin your progress or be an extreme detriment to your health, just like one workout isn’t going to make you muscular and healthy. And #2, movement is movement. It’s not going to look the same every day and if you can get that walk in before work, or during lunch, or after dinner, or after the kids go to bed, whatever that may be, you are doing something for yourself and it is a healthy choice. You didn’t fail.
Okay getting to the whole point of the post! I used to get super anxious if the day I had planned out, didn’t go the plan. It was so hard for me when things came up in the day that were unexpected, to pivot and not have this anxious feeling. Most of the time, the anxiety was coming from having to move around workouts where by the time it rolled around, I was so tired and my body wasn’t feeling it. I’ve learned listen to my body so much more and if I need the day off, that’s what my body needs. With that said, some days during the exhausting sick days Ava went through, I felt like all I could do for myself that day was go outside and take a walk with the dog, earbuds in listen to a podcast. And that’s okay! But there were other days when my energy was up and I wanted to get some more sweaty movement in. I put together this quick exercise sequence targeting the booty and it was so good, I wanted to share it with all of you!
This workout took me about 25 minutes to give you an idea of how long it will take to complete. All you need is a booty band and a bench or chair. You can also add dumbbells to increase the intensity, if you so choose.
Alright, getting into the workout – There are 3 sets of 3 exercises, each will be done a total of 3 times. After completing set 1, 3 times, move on to set #2, and so on. Take a 15-second rest between exercises, and 45-second rest between sets.
Set 1:
Banded side steps 45 secs
Banded squats x15
Glute bridge x15
Repeat x2
Set 2:
Lying abductions x15
Split squats x10 each side (no rest between sides)
Alternating curtsy lunge x20
Repeat x2
Set 3:
Deadlift x15
Calf raises x15
Alternating reverse lunge x20
Repeat x2
Give it a try and let me know what you all think! I hope you all have an amazing rest of the week.
Stay hungry my friends!

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