As I mentioned on my about me page, I am here to bring you eats but not only in the form of food you eat but food for the mind as well. The fact that I even decided to start this blog is a little mind boggling to me because I always had a slight distaste for writing growing up. I also was not a reader at all and if you asked me the last book I read a couple of years ago, it probably would have been one I was forced to read in college in order to pass the test.
In 2022, I decided to get more into reading and I think I read 10 books that year which was amazing for me. Then my daughter was born right at the beginning of 2023 and I found reading to be an excellent activity for a new mother that is feeding a newborn around the clock so I got into it even more. Now I honestly can’t imagine going back to not reading! I will say I found it extremely important to find a genre you really enjoy. It was tough to stick with it at the beginning because I was picking them randomly, not knowing what my genre was. Now it’s safe to say I am 100% a thriller type girl.
With that said, here comes my first book recommendation….
Hunted by Darcy Coates
The basic premise of the book is about a 22 year old girl, Eileen, who goes hiking in a remote forest and loses track of the marked trails and becomes lost. Her brother isn’t convinced the local authorities are doing all they should or could be in order to find her so he along with four of his friends set out on their own search party to find Eileen. That’s where things in the forest take a turn…
I cannot tell you how much I loved this book. It was fast paced with some gruesome imagery and a crazy ending I didn’t predict. This book would make an excellent tv series or movie as well. I’ll be waiting for that. Highly, highly recommend this book if you are into thrillers or in that discovery phase of reading genres you’re into, it might just suck you into the world of thrillers.
If you want to see what I’m up to as far as books, give me a follow on GoodReads!
Stay hungry my friends!